Assassin’s Creed: Shadows is a highly anticipated game from the well-known Ubisoft franchise. Set in feudal Japan during the end of the Sengoku era, the game features two main characters: Naoe, a skilled shinobi from the province of Iga, and Yasuke, a black samurai with an important historical role alongside Emperor Oda Nobunaga. The game is scheduled for release on November 15th and will be available for PlayStation 5, Xbox Series S, Xbox Series X, and PC.
During the digital event Ubisoft Forward, Ubisoft revealed a new 13-minute gameplay video, showcasing Naoe’s stealth abilities and Yasuke’s powerful combat skills. The game will also feature a reactive world and a seasonal system that will significantly change the environments.
Assassin’s Creed: Shadows will be released exclusively for the next-generation platforms, namely PlayStation 5, Xbox Series X/S, and PC. Pre-orders are already available, with prices varying according to the chosen edition. The Gold Edition, for example, offers three days of early access and a Season Pass with two future expansions and an extra mission.
The story of Assassin’s Creed: Shadows takes place during the end of the Sengoku period, when Warlord Oda Nobunaga was at the height of his power and attacked the province of Iga. Naoe, trained as a shinobi assassin, sets out for revenge, while Yasuke, newly trained as a samurai, decides to confront the demons of his past. Both characters have interconnected stories, and players will be able to switch between them during the game.
The gameplay of the game highlights Naoe’s stealth action, with agile movements and shinobi abilities, and Yasuke’s high-impact combat, with his resilience and samurai skills. The game also allows players to explore a dynamic and unpredictable world, with seasonal changes that affect the environments and require different approaches to missions. In addition, players can rely on allies with specific abilities to complete the missions.
In summary, Assassin’s Creed: Shadows promises to be an exciting title, with an engaging story, captivating characters, and diverse gameplay that combines stealth action and intense combat. Players will have the opportunity to venture into feudal Japan and unravel the secrets of this historical period. The release is scheduled for November and will be available for various different platforms.