Aprenda a utilizar o Reddit: conheça acrônimos e encontre comunidades populares


Subreddit, upvote, and downvote are some terms on Reddit that can confuse beginner users of the platform. Reddit is one of the most popular social networks today, known for its diverse content and open discussions to any user. The platform consists of communities, also called subreddits, that cover different topics, from more lighthearted subjects like memes, games, and books to more serious topics like news, science, and history.

Anyone can participate in a community and contribute their ideas or simply interact with the content shared by other members. Despite being one of the world’s largest discussion forums and gaining more members over the years, Reddit is still not widely used in Brazil. For this reason, it is important to know some tips to start using the platform.

On Reddit, users can share links, photos, videos, and texts in different communities known as subreddits. Each community has a specific topic that varies from various themes such as news, technology, memes, music, and relationships. All shared content can be voted on by users, affecting its visibility. Upvoted content becomes more visible than downvoted content.


Moreover, Reddit has unique features that set it apart from other social networks. Users can remain anonymous, communities are moderated to avoid sensitive or inappropriate content, and Reddit is known for providing authentic opinions and advice as it is built on human connection.

When using Reddit, it is important to understand the main features and characteristics of the platform. Subreddits are the communities on Reddit, each focused on a specific topic and identified by the prefix “r/”. It is possible to share content and make comments in subreddits, and all are subject to the voting system. Moderators are volunteer users who maintain the community rules, removing sensitive content, banning users, and enforcing guidelines.

To post on Reddit, it is necessary to find a community that aligns with the content you want to share and check the community guidelines. Posts can be created in different formats such as text, images, videos, links, and polls. It is important to follow the community rules when creating a post. Commenting on Reddit is simple, just find the post you want to comment on and add your text. It is possible to format the text and edit the comment after it is published.

There are some specific acronyms and terms on Reddit that can confuse beginner users. Some of them are:
– OP: Original Poster, the person who made the post.
– NSFW: Not Safe For Work, adult content/inappropriate for a work environment.
– AMA: Ask Me Anything, a question and answer session with famous or influential people.
– ELI5: Explain Like I’m Five, explaining something in a simple and easy-to-understand way.
– Edit: Edition made to a post or comment to add new information.
– Crosspost: Content published in another subreddit as well.
– Mod: Moderator of the subreddit.
– Repost: Republishing of content in the same subreddit.

There are many famous subreddits on Reddit, such as r/funny, r/AskReddit, r/gaming, r/AmITheAsshole, and r/worldnews. Each of them covers specific topics and has a large number of participating members.

In summary, Reddit is a social platform where users can share and discuss various topics. Subreddits are the communities that cover specific topics, and users can vote on the content, gaining “karma” and influencing the visibility of posts and comments. It is important to be familiar with the acronyms and terms on Reddit to better understand the shared information. With all this information, you are ready to start using Reddit and explore its diverse communities.

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